The head of the Association of Estonian Broadcasters introduces a new platform: the aim is to counter the dominance of US tech giants

In January, the Association of Estonian Broadcasters and the Estonian Public Broadcasting signed a joint agreement with Radioplayer Worldwide Ltd, the creator of Europe’s largest smart radio platform. Estonia is the 23rd country to join the platform and the service became available last week. Hanno Kindel, the head of the Association of Estonian Broadcasters, explains […]

Estonian Broadcasting Museum opened it’s doors 25 years ago

Eesti Ringhäälingumuuseumi tegevuse algusest möödub 25 aastat

Estonian Broadcasting Museum, a non-profit organization, was founded on April 29, 1999 by Estonian Radio, Association of Estonian  Broadcasters, Estonian Television, the municipality of Türi and Estonian Broadcasting Centre, who felt the need to preserve the history of Estonian broadcasting culture. The small town of Türi in Järva county was chosen as the location for […]