
The Estonian Broadcasting Museum is a non-profit association founded on 29 April 1999 by the Association of Estonian Broadcasters, Estonian Radio (Eesti Raadio), Estonian Television (Eesti Televisioon), Estonian Broadcasting Transmission Centre Ltd (Eesti Ringhäälingu Saatekeskuse AS) and the Türi City Government. Türi, which between 1937 and 1941 was home to the State Broadcasting Company (Riigi Ringhääling), whose 196.6 metre antenna was the most modern facility in Europe in the year of its completion, was chosen as the location of the museum.

Collection work in the museum started in November 1999 and the first exhibition was held in December of the same year. In 2000, the museum, which had so far operated in temporary facilities, moved to a new building, renovated by the City of Türi. On the 75th anniversary of the Estonian Public Broadcasting (18 December 2001), the first part of the permanent exhibition was opened to the general public.

The permanent exhibition on the history of broadcasting has been constantly improved. In 2002, the museum added a section introducing Estonian Radio (Eesti Raadio) in the years of 1944 to 1991. In the summer of 2005, the permanent exhibition Television was added. In addition, the museum has curated a range of temporary exhibitions introducing various topics of broadcasting history and the legacy of significant persons. The former have been exhibited both in-house and elsewhere.

The foundation of the museum’s collection was laid by everyone who responded to the calls published in the press and donated their radio and television receivers. In addition to receivers, the museum’s collection now includes various studio and broadcasting technologies, reporters’ equipment, literature on the history of broadcasting, documents and a large number of photos.

The current members of the non-profit association Estonian Broadcasting Museum are the Estonian Public Broadcasting, Postimees Group, Türi Municipality Government, AS Levira and the Association of Supporters of the Broadcasting Museum (AS TV3, AS Taevaraadio).

Thank you to everyone who has supported and helped us in the establishment and development of the museum!

Estonian Broadcasting Museum

Postal address:
Vabriku pst 11, 72212 Türi
Phone: +372 385 7055

Juhan Sihver
Phone: +372 51 39 985

Sirje Kööp
Phone: +372 385 7055