13 regional radio licences issued by the CPTRA

The winners of the radio licence competition, organised by the Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority (CPTRA), have been determined. In addition to the expansion of the range of current radio programmes, two new programmes are entering the radio landscape. On 13 May 2022, the CPTRA announced a competition for 13 regional radio licences. The […]
Competition for radio licences has begun

The Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority (CPTRA) announced a competition for 13 regional radio licences. The competition provides current radio broadcasters the opportunity to expand their activities as well as opens the doors to newcomers. The competition will result in new frequency resources, allowing radio programmes to reach a wider audience. The new activity […]
GOLDEN MICROPHONE: The winner of the Golden Microphone 2021 – Ulla Länts

Today, to celebrate the 95th anniversary of broadcasting, prizes were awarded for lengthy and significant work in the field. The Golden Microphone of the Association of Estonian Broadcasters was awarded to Ulla Länts. Länts has dedicated nearly 30 years to radio. Between 1992 and 1994, she worked as a radio host and news editor at […]
Hanno Kindel elected as new CEO of AEB

At the board meeting of 21 September, the Association of Estonian Broadcasters, which unites private channels in Estonia, elected Hanno Kindel as the new CEO and approved the new composition of the board. Hanno Kindel started working as the CEO of the umbrella organisation for private channels on 1 October. Hanno Kindel has been active […]